In Travancore-Cochin labour unions had been scanty,  though the communist had organised certain trade unions it had confined to the industrial sectors of Cochin and Alapuzha. The communist had failed to organise trade unions in the other parts due to their failure to face strong feudal lords. The Meenachil Taluk had large concentration of the catholic community, which had very conservative views on the labour reforms. They had viewed any connection with the communists a mortal sin and the trade union activity was considered as a communist work. Shri M P Paul and Shri Joseph Mundassery had been dismissed from service by the Catholic college management for their liberal views. Prof: Chandy had dared to organise trade unions in Meenachil Taluk; which had been considered to be the most conservative locality in the state, with feudal background in 1949 itself. The motor service sector had been the major industry in Kottayam District. The motor industry had huge profits . However the workers of these industry had earned pity amounts as their wages. They had neither resting time nor medical allowances. Shri Chandy had started a labour union for the motor workers. Many motor workers had joined the union. This had irked a major motor industry and it had dismissed the workers. The trade union activities had  infuriated the conservative people of Meenachil Taluk. The communists had viewed it as an encroachment of their sphere of political activity. They were not bold enough to start trade unions in Meenachil Taluk because they feared serious back lash from the feudal groups . The retrenched workers had started hunger strike under the leadership of Shri Chandy. The infuriated feudal leaders approached the Bishop of Pala. Shri Chandy had been lecturer in Pala St. Thomas College. The motor management had thought that they could  humiliate him because the bishop was the manager of the college. The bishop had called Shri Chandy for discussion and Shri Chandy had explained to the bishop the entire situation and sought bishop’s intervention to settle the issue amicably. The bishop had declined to intervene. Finally the motor service management had accepted the union demands and reappointed workers. The success of the strike had its repercussions in other motor services. The workers of ‘Swaraj Motors’ owned by Shri K M Sakunnipillai had joined the Motor Workers Union. The Swaraj Motor Service had been the largest motor service industry in Travancore. Shri K M Sankunnipillai had developed enmity towards Shri :Chandy. The feudal landlords and industrialists had not remained silent. It was a time the communist had started armed struggle against the newly formed democratic government of Shri Jwaharilal Nehru alleging true independence had not come.  The feudal group had prepared a petition depicting Shri K M Chandy as a communist fellow traveler and had sent it to the Prime minister Nehru but Shri Nehru had not taken any action, he had sent a copy to Shri C Kesavan, who happened to be the Chief minister. Shri :Chandy had also started publishing a news paper ” Thoshilali”to garner support for his trade union activity. The trade union work of Shri Chandy had infuriated the Communist party, they had feared their support base among workers and peasants might be affected. They had decided to defeat Prof: Chandy at any cost and they had aligned with feudal land lords and industrialists. Shri K. M. Chandy had been a member of the first State Minimum Wage Advisory Board, which had recommended minimum wages for most of the industry for the first time in the state.